Sublime Society #3: Early Roadmap

Sublime Society’s long-term ambition is to transfer value from the centralised economy to the decentralised economy. In order to achieve this goal, the right infrastructure is required.
Over time, we will build a range of different consumer products and services across each of the three focal areas of commerce, creativity and education. As these are created our platform will evolve to become a powerful decentralised marketplace; the backbone of a decentralised economy.
But that’s a little down the line. In the first instance, we will need to gather, coordinate and inspire the overall community. In turn, this will naturally lead to the creation of sub-communities and the development of a system for projects to be submitted and managed. Broadly speaking we could call this the Sublime Society Administration System (SSAS).
The initial roadmap focuses entirely on this.
The SSAS will be managed within a single interface with three components:
1) Identities
2) Governance
3) Projects
Identities will play a crucial role in the way that the desoc functions overall. SBTs will act both as a passport to engage with the various parts of the society, as well as a record of participation and community interactions. A kind of verifiable on-chain CV, if you like.

We’ll start with a simple interface for profile management. With it, community members will be able to manage key account content such as PFP, name and bio. They will also be able to mint and link attributes to their profile. Attributes act as skills and define subject areas. It only makes sense to mint attributes that are relevant to you, as these define your role within the community. For instance, an artist would not find value in assigning themselves the accountancy attribute, because it doesn’t reflect what they’ll be actively contributing to the community.
N.b. It will be free (plus gas) to mint your identifying SBT during the Genesis period.
The platform will launch with a number of pre-defined attributes such as designer, developer, writer, animator, community admin, sales, and so on. Attributes will be managed through an open taxonomical database; that is, if you think of a role that’s not there, its absence will be easy to verify, and it will be straightforward to add it for future use. The community as a whole can decide upon new attributes added to the database, funded through the community treasury. Alternatively account holders are free to mint new attributes and cover the cost themselves.
Through demonstrating capabilities across selected attributes, members’ FREQUENCY score will increase. These capabilities will be validated by fellow community members, who will be able to witness and vouch for a given member’s value over time.
N.b. details on mechanics to be provided at a later point
The ID system will also include basic functionality to publish notes on chain, for either private or public viewing.
Furthermore, it will contain key information relating to the wallet address such as FREQUENCY score, $VIBES balance and transaction history. This will quickly begin to paint a picture for the value a given member offers, at a high level.
Over time, the functionality within the ID system will expand to include privacy controls and add-ons such as messaging tools.
Aside from managing your own profile, the ID system will also become a directory for community members to forge relationships with other community members. The system will enable users to find community members with specific skill sets or subjects of interest, fostering community growth, bootstrapping projects, and enabling powerful and efficient networking with likeminded individuals.
A logical next step for this function is that users will be able to create sub-communities / groups based on their IDENTITIES. Many of the governance and project submissions will come from the creation of sub-groups created here.
The governance system is the place where the community discusses, defines and agrees upon the core aspects of society. Here, we will establish the key mechanics of how society functions, deciding upon things like taxation levels, transaction fees, revenue distribution, etc.
Community members will be able to submit proposals for community consideration, complete with an implementation plan if required. Proposals that are successfully passed will be actioned according to those plans. This is a collaborative process, where the community can explore the full extent of the proposal, offer feedback, play devil’s advocate, and work together to realise every idea at its fullest potential. Whether a proposal is accepted or not will be decided by vote.
Voting will be weighted according to a member’s overall FREQUENCY score. The higher the score, the higher the voting power. And of course, the only way to increase your score is to be a valuable contributor.
The governance section will be built upon the framework of the recently launched Edge Network Open-Governance System.
The projects section is where proposals for products and services are submitted for the community to consider. Anyone can submit an idea within any category.
Projects are to be submitted along with an outline of the concept and an implementation plan (including resource and funding requirements). There is an initial pre-submission process, which will involve an open discussion of project ideas.
Functionality here will take the form of a forum. Projects will be debated and built upon through collaborative discourse. Community members will coalesce around the ideas they like. Project teams will be assembled and tokenomics and revenue share plans will be devised.
When enough support has been gathered — defined through a vote-weighted scoring mechanic — projects will pass to the final submission stage. Here, proposals will be submitted for formal consideration and officially voted upon by the community.
Successful projects will be managed via a communications / PM interface, which will feature within the Projects section of the SSAS.
These three areas are the three core areas of initial development. Ergo, the first key milestone in the roadmap will be the launch of the MVP SSAS.
This initial development will be done by the core development team, Sublime Productions. The process will be transparent, with regular team progress updates. To give you a flavour of level of development updates, refer to the weekly updates by Edge Network.
N.b. a number of the core Dev team of $EDGE are also members of Sublime Productions
Weekly updates will be published to social channels and website. Code updates will be published on GitHub and all source-code will be made open source.