Sublime Society’s Open Curriculum

This is a proposal for a Decentralised Education System built within the Sublime CX (community experience) platform, the technical platform that underpins the Sublime Society $VIBES ecosystem.
As the world moves forward, we must reassess the way we educate ourselves and future generations. The current centralised education system, which is heavily influenced by politics and industry, often fails to provide a comprehensive and impartial education to all individuals. In this paper, we propose an alternative: a decentralised education system governed by global consensus. This “open curriculum” would operate a little like Wikipedia, albeit in a fully decentralised manner, and more comprehensive in functionality.
The Open Curriculum is not influenced by politics or any particular interest group. Instead, it is a democratic system governed by the opinions of the general population of every country, regardless of race, sex, sexual orientation, age, or any other factor. The curriculum is defined by a global community that determines the most important things to learn for the advancement of individuals and society as a whole.
Through this open and democratic system, we can utilise the world’s most valuable resource: our people. The Open Curriculum would provide a universal framework for learning across all subjects, allowing for specialisation in specific areas of interest. Individuals would have access to a platform that teaches them the specific components of the curriculum that have been defined by the global community, completely free of charge, as funded by the unique taxation system of Sublime Society, and in a fair and accessible manner.
This decentralised approach to education would create an environment that allows for diverse and interesting methods of teaching. Teachers and creators would not be restricted to a policy or guideline thrust upon them by a centralised government, but rather would be encouraged to find innovative and engaging ways to teach. Unlike traditional modes of teaching and assessment, which by and large cater to just a single kind of academic intelligence, the Open Curriculum would empower students with a variety of creative, social, emotional, academic and philosophical intelligences to learn, develop and thrive.
This system would also reduce barriers to education for disadvantaged individuals around the world, who could have access to the same level of education as those in more privileged areas. Ultimately, this would create a more level playing field and provide more opportunities for all individuals to succeed.
The world moves faster than academia, and in most cases, the material being taught at universities is out of date before it’s even been published. A universally accepted education standard, based on open principles, would surpass current university degree systems and education standards defined by centralised governments. This would create a pool of knowledge and information that would serve as a primary resource in the world at a faster, more accurate rate. It also safeguards the integrity of academic research by making it impossible to influence outcomes with political funding — e.g. agricultural and/or health research as it relates to food lobbying.
Finally, this approach would allow companies to find the right people for the right jobs based on specific attributes rather than just academic qualifications. They would be able to evaluate individuals based on their ability to fulfill the specific objectives of the role, rather than looking at prestigious universities or degrees.
In conclusion, the Open Curriculum proposal presents a decentralised, democratic, and accessible approach to education that could revolutionise the way we learn and create a brighter future for individuals and society as a whole.
As always, we welcome your thoughts in the comments and the Telegram channel.
The Sublime Society team